Sean: 10k Commotion, is a comic about a group of friends in a Dance Dance Revolution tournament, the story is very well writen, and well drawn as well. I've enjoyed this comic for a good long while, it's as I said, very well drawn, and the coloring is just amazing, Yukon really does enjoy her work, and I'm glad she's made it public for the rest of us to see. Give it a read, even if you don't like DDR, it's still pretty cool.
Sean: Dominic Deegan is most possibly my favorite online comic. Mookie's done a wonderful job drawing, and writing the story since he started it. He's even up to a full weekly schedual, and works a normal job too, man the guys a machine, and I respect him. Mook's an awesome guy I'd give his work a read if you haven't.
Sean: Alright, Short Packed is one of the weird anything goes sort of comics, I've enjoyed the guys work for years in one of his other comics (It's Walky) and I've been trying to keep with this new one of his as well. David's a great guy and is currently working on.. what.. 3 or so comics? No idea anymore, but the guys been at it for years, and I'm glad that he's kept at it.
Sean:Machall, one of the best comics I've read for some time now. It's been around for a while, and I'm pretty sure everyone and their grandma know's about this comic, if you've read it, you understand, if you havent.. Read it.. Silly mortals.
Sean: Megatokyo, another one of those, been around since roughly the begining type of comic, just this isn't so much a comic as it is a Manga. Fred's been drawing his heart out for his fans for a good number of years, I'm glad he's keep the story running despite all the oddities that hit his life, good on you Fred, you da man.
Sean: This is a comic I used to read, and just sort of got tired of it, but I'm thinking about picking it back up. It's a rather interesting comic sort of on the girlie side though, so if you don't dig that, then don't even bother checking this out.
Sean: Stubble is quite possibly one of the most original comics that had been brought out during the webcomic boom, though the thought of the story seems rather old, it works very well for Josh. He's been drawing the comic for around.. 5-ish years I think, not sure on that one, so don't hold it to me. I do know the guy's been drawing it since he was in highschool though, and the art has had a dramatic change since then, as well as the story. It's probably going to be worth a re-read oneday when he's all done. Josh also has another comic Punks and Nerds which is quite funny and rather f'd up, hope you enjoy it too
Sean: Ah VG Cats, one of those.. Wtf style comics. It's all random comics, but man they're funny. Deffinetly not for the younger audiance though, but hey, if your mom'll buy you GTA, then why the hell not read this comic as well. Scott's done wonderful for his random weird cat and video game comics, I've deffenetly got respect for him. Awesome comic, and wonderfuly twisted stuff too, it's all worth reading in my opinion.
Sean: Crap I Drew On My Lunch Break, very weird, random, and funny in some cases, Jin is a very talented artist, and a rather funny gal. That and she likes rats, and rats kick ass. Hope you enjoy this comic, I have for a good little while now.
Sean: Apple Geeks, has often been compaired to MacHall, mainly because of the art and coloring.. And the gaming, and the.. Well you get the point, but it really is it's own comic. Hawk and Ananth have done a wonderful job doing a rather entertaining comic, it's been a wonderful read sofar, and I really can't wait to see what else happens in it.
Sean: Anime Arcadia, a warped weird sort of Otaku-ish comic, it's got the hot cat girl, and the weird guy that brought her to life, go him. It's a wonderfly drawn comic though it's now being drawn by someone new, but hey it all works out in the end. Entertaining story and quite fun to read and laugh at sometimes.
Sean: Blue Zombie, despite it's rather odd name, it's quite the cute comic.. If your into weird zombie, demon, witches, and some other crazy-ness, this is quite the fun comic to read, I'm glad that all three of the guys that work on it are still working on it, even if they do need a break every now and again.
Sean: Misfile has been quite original since I started reading it, very interesting story concept, I mean, I think I've seen it done before in some whacked out anime, but aside from that, this is pretty damn original, and I'm glad he's been working on it.
Mines Bigger!
Sean: Mines Bigger is probably one of the funnier comics I've read in a while, and it's also well drawn and writen, I'm glad that Nen's been doing this comic, she's fuggin funny, and from what I read, a pretty cool lady all around.